Order Cancellation Policy
We have a limited window to cancel orders once placed. This article provides helpful details about the information on the topics.
Basic Cancellation Policy
Depending on what you ordered, our cancellation window will differ slightly.
Ready-Made Items
These items take only a short time to process before shipping.
Unpaid order of Ready-Made Items:
Order will be automatically cancelled.
Paid order of Ready-Made Items:
The order is sent to the warehouse for processing within 1 hour of your order being confirmed. As these items are processed very quickly, we can only cancel an order within this 1-hour timeframe.
If you need to cancel your order, please submit your cancellation request on your order page or contact our customer service within 1 hour of your order being confirmed.
Due to time differences, there may be some delays in our customer service processing time. Therefore, we suggest you submit your cancellation request on your order page within 1 hour, so that our system can intercept your order and avoid shipping it out.
If you submit your cancellation request after the 1-hour cancellation window, we reserve the right to refuse your request.
Made-To-Order Items
These items take several days.
Unpaid order of Made-to-Order Items:
Order will be automatically cancelled.
Paid order of Made-to-Order Items:
We want you to have peace of mind, knowing that your order will arrive in time for your special event. As a result, we aim to start producing your purchased items within 24 hours of the order being confirmed. However, we appreciate these items are important purchases, which is why we have extended our cancellation window for Made-to-Order items.
The following is our detailed cancellation window & refund policy for Made-to-Order items:
Cancellation Windows | Refund Policy |
Within 24 hours of order confirmation | Full refund of the price paid for the items + shipping fee (after PayPal deducts the handling fee) |
>24 hours after order confirmation | Refund of shipping fee only |
Once your order is shipped, it cannot be cancelled.
Important Notes
Once a cancellation request is processed, it cannot be reversed. You would need to place a new order to get the item(s).
If you no longer wanted a specific item or needed to add additional items, please see our Order Change Policy.
Once your order is shipped, it cannot be cancelled. You’ll need to wait for the order to arrive and request a return. Please Note: You will be responsible for the shipping costs of sending and returning the returned item.